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Why Integrations Are A Game Changer

colorful building blocks

Every data analyst has a horror story to tell about custom integrations.   And you don’t need to be technical to know that trying to fit a square peg in a round hole is frustrating as can be. Most of us first learned this as small children, playing with building blocks, literally trying to fit […]

Get to Know Stephanie Vinton, Senior Project Manager

blonde woman standing in front of mountains and a lake.

Stephanie Vinton is a seasoned Senior Functional Business Analyst and Project Manager, with over 20 years of experience in the field of FinTech. Based in the Denver Metropolitan Area, Stephanie has built a remarkable career by leveraging her expertise in ERP and application implementation, solution design, technical support, UAT testing, and process improvement. Stephanie serves […]

How Can Customization Change Your Data Analytics?

colorful flaming paintwork and headlamp on a custom hotrod

“That looks great, but I’m not sure if it fits in with the way that we work.” If you’ve been shown a data analytics platform by a sales representative in the last few years, these words have likely come out of your mouth, or at least crossed your mind. You’ve been shown the value of […]

Data Analytics For The Busy Business Exec

time lapse photo of office workers

You’ve heard the hype over and over again about data analytics, but you’re still feeling skeptical? Are you hesitant to go down a new road, thinking that it might be a waste of time and resources for little payoff? Think again. Here are some of the most common myths that we encounter so that we […]

Get to Know Bill Butler, Sr. Power BI Developer & Consultant

Bill has a deep background in the credit union industry. Throughout his robust career in the industry, Bill has utilized technology and data with finance/accounting to help credit unions and banks grow, prosper, and better serve their customers.  He was involved in both the start-up of AARP Federal Credit Union as well as its wind-down phase. He served […]

Why Does Good Data Management Matter to Your Members?

Male lifeguard on a tower looking out and holding binoculars.

When running a financial institution you know that data is an important part of your operations. You’re regularly collecting customer (for our bank readers) and member (for our credit union readers) data from multiple points at once – customer personal information, transaction data, customer engagements, sales statistics on financial products – and you’re using it […]

Credit Union and Bank Data Governance: A Primer

Many padlocks on a chain over a blue sky background.

In the financial world, your life is all about numbers. In the world of 21st century finance, it’s really all about data. Data was always key to the operations of your financial institutions. Think back 100 years and there would be filing cabinets full of vaults and ledgers and spreadsheets, all of which contained key […]

What is a Data Lake?

Water dumping into a body of water.

If you’ve ever tried swimming in a data lake, you know what disappointment feels like.   Not only is there no water (it’s bad for the computers), but those sharp things byting (see what we did there??) at your ankles are probably spreadsheets, graphs, and emails that you tried to ignore while you were still […]

What is a Data Lakehouse? Hint: It’s Got Nothing to do With Keanu Reeves

Blue boathouse at the end of a pier over a lake with a blue cloudy sky.

Picture it: Keanu Reeves and Sandra Bullock play an architect and a doctor who live 2 years apart in the same property and exchange letters over time…   Wait, that’s just the 2006 movie The Lake House! That has nothing to do with data!   We’ve already spoken about data warehouses, but they’re not the […]

What is a Data Warehouse?

Modern yellow building with blue sky.

If you’re old enough to remember the days of computer punch cards, floppy discs, or even CD-Roms, you know that data takes up space! Today we’ve gotten more efficient, and we’re able to fit massive amounts of data into devices with microchips no larger than our fingernails. Yet when it comes to digital storage and […]